How can this service be used ?
Get up & running in few hours
- Our service can be made available to your customers with simple integration. A completely seamless experience is provided where the picture taking process is run on your site without having to even download an app.
- To get fitted the customer is kept within your site brought back to the exact page of spot of the starting the process, within a few clicks.
- This service can integrated in your e-commerce portal or provided as stand along link or set-up in store a sizing experience.
- The output can customized as per your requirement to a personalized recommendation engine based or set to brand specific size scale.
- The completely look and feel of the picture taking customized to match the visuals of your site and process is completely blended into your experience.

Easy On Boarding
Consumers do not have to download any mobile app or even login to site for that matter
Seamless Integration
The look & feel of the fitting experience blends into the site for a customer. Throughout the process, the customer does not go out of the site.
Quick Launch
The service can be launched as early as 4-6 weeks with less than a couple of days of integration work.
1. How is this different from the standard size scale?
We benchmark each shoe model and measure each user's foot to provide a fit & size match.
2. Does this service work with all kinds of shoes?
Yes, we support all models. From Flip-flop to formal shoes we've got you covered.
3. What e-commerce platforms do we support?
Our service can be integrated with all standard platforms along with customs one too. A typical Shopify integration takes around a couple of days with an out of box set-up.
4. How do we charge for the service?
Depending on the volume of traffic on the site, we charge a monthly subscription fee or based on sales commission.
5. What is the output of the service ?
If your shoe model-specific data is added to our system we will display a personalized size recommendation. Otherwise, a recommendation will be offered based on a standard size scale or a brand-specific scale.
6. How many foot measurements are being captured ?
The single picture captures 6 measurements, while the two-picture app captures 12.

Benefits of Findmeashoe:
- Expected return reduction – up to 60%
- Increase in traffic
- Increase in conversion by up to 450%
- Increase Upsell / Cross-Sell opportunities
- Opportunity to drive Omnichannel commerce
- Early adopter advantage
- Increase in customer satisfaction & brand loyalty.