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Welcome to the Future of footwear retail- Shopping redefined!

No more returns. No more trips to the shoe store. Browse & Buy the best fitting pair at home. platform allows shoppers discover best fitting pair with just a click of a button. Shoppers can search for the right fit with 1 picture of their foot. It is simple to use. The application works on popular mobile web browsers.

If you are footwear brand or retailer, email us for a demo.

What we do

Findmeashoe offers variety of technology solutions for footwear manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers.

For E-commerce & Omni-channel retail:
  • Integrate our foot scanner as a service in your website, mobile app
  • Offer personalized size recommendation in product and catalog pages
  • Size certify shoes to simplify the discovery process for shoppers
For Stores:
  • “Size your foot” at home option for contactless experience
  • Personalized sales with foot profile integrated into loyalty program
For Brands & Wholesalers:
  • Help track and monitor footwear fit quality from design, supply-chain to retail
  • Do a fit quality assessment for your new styles

See How our shoe scanning app works

Start on your site


Click One Picture


See Fit Recommendations


Value we deliver



The current size scale structure has no way to provide information beyond the length of your foot. Our foot scanner provides a lifetime fit id which can be used to provide personalized fit recommendations based on the model, style, and usage of the shoe.


Customer Satisfaction (Net Promoter Score)

Nothing satisfies a footwear shopper like a good fit. Our fitting service is comprehensive that accounts for the shapes, proportions, and dimensions of both the foot and the shoe. Happy customers are loyal customers and your brand ambassadors.


Increased Lifetime Customer Value

Loyal customers are repeat shoppers who increase the shopping frequency and ticket size. Findmeashoe helps retailers and brands create a loyal customer base that reduces the customer retention expense while increasing the lifetime value of each customer.


Increased Sales Conversions

Conversion is one of the key metrics for both online & offline retailers. The best way to increase conversion is to remove the obstacles and uncertainties in the shopping process. Findmeashoe removes fit uncertainty that affects online buyers while it increases the efficiency of shopping on a store floor.


Business Growth

Satisfied customers will bring family and friends to shop at your site or store. Findmeashoe service and personalization will attract new and returning shoppers providing top-line growth for retailers and brands.


Increases Profitability Through Sales Efficiency

With low or no returns and less spent on customer retention, E-commerce businesses will enjoy better margins. While stores will provide a better customer experience. With better sales efficiency & conversion, the profitability / sq ft will increase.

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